Sunday, October 19, 2008

You're the greatest matador.

I bought i hope they serve beer in hell instead of just reading stories online and its so amazing. i'm thankful brianna showed it to me. i couldnt believe how many people were in barnes and noble of a saturday night, studying. i want some pumpkin cheese cake but i dont like cheesecake.

my dad always puts tombstones he paints  in front of the house for halloween along with giant zombies and dead men he makes that are about 10 ft tall.  he made graves for the economy and yankee stadium. ahah awesome

Top things needed to go down soon:

- visit nikkianne at savini school
- make some kind of halloween costume
- celebrate ashton's  big  TWO ONE friday
- working and school same day every day this week
- k. devine and jesse lacey even tho nothing will beat watching his first shows when i was 13 at dock st.
- acacia strain the 30th
- rangers hockey game with paul soon . PITBULL WITH LIPSTICK
- quia
- studying more about rising signs
- get a jacket because i'm freeeezing

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