sam james groves and i tracked around ikea for the longest time
sometime last week. james got a new apartment on the island , i can't wait for his dinner / move in bbq. me and sam helped him pick out bathroom supplies. i only look foward to sweetish meatballs and lingonberry tho .
pauls brother rob turned 15. when i met him he was 13. he has matured so much that its scary. it really is seeing someone grow up so fast in a year 1/2.
i went up to connecticut to celebrate another birthday but this one was for my uncle, he was 50. my cousin is probably going to die from doing so many drugs and she flaunts and talks about how " if its white its right" in front of everyone and everyone is oblivious except for my cousin dan, his girlfriend, my cousin taylor, and bryan. i love going on the boat and watch people swing from a rope and drop down 40 ft into the water. i need a BOAT.
i need to leave my house immediatly. i went to FIT today to get some info but they werent much help, no college system is i dont think. i made up this plan in my head and it goes like this: i dont really want to dorm at FIT but i will if my only other choice is living in my house. i want to get an apartment or house in brooklyn with a couple roomates but i have to figure out who and need a better job to do so. i planned on seeing what classes would give me credit for fit that i could take at CSI because i'm not going to pay for classes that i dont need. if there arent a lot of classes that i can take then i will only take one or two and the i was going to try to get a second job in the city and maybe quit my other one which would be hard because ive been there almost 4 YEARS. with that job i would save up money and either figure out how to get an apartment mid semester OR dorm and save up and move out sometime during the year. my relationship with my parents and even brother has just gotten so bad and its no one fault it's just time for me to leave the nest, ya know?!
also today i waited around in the city for an hour to get a fake id and the guy told me i need 25$ more dollars so i went and spend it on way too expensive clothes. i plan go to again sunday hopfully i'll have the money. i want to go to the park sunday too and lay with friends .NIKKI ASHTON THIS MEANS YOU. please lets get mango ice cream as well and drink water with lemon. and isnt there that skate thing saturday?
im anxious again i need to get out.
p.s. my internet is a piece of shit.
p.s. i love my new phone.